
PAHO online resources:

Self learning on alcohol and drug policy

The Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) has introduced Self-Learning Courses on several aspects of alcohol and drug harm and policy. The virtual courses may be accessed by anyone and are available in English and Spanish.

09. December 2013
Gruppearbeid Malawi nov 2009 160p

Training program on evidence-based alcohol policies in developing countries

Blue Cross and FORUT have developed a training program on evidence-based alcohol policies. Training sessions have so far been held in seven countries in Africa.

18. February 2013
Reducing alcohol harm front page

Diyanath Samarasinghe:

REDUCING ALCOHOL HARM: things we can do

Three papers by professor Diyanath Samarasinghe explore various aspect of alcohol in a development setting. This booklet is for someone who is interested in learning how to make even his smallest action count.

25. June 2009
Unrecorded alcohol front page

Diyanath Samarasinghe:


This paper by Professor Diyanath Samarasinghe at the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, gives an introduction to how the problem of unrecorded alcohol consumption can be understood and how it can be addressed; by communities, governments and NGOs.

25. June 2009

Alcohol and drug prevention for development agencies

Ten steps

A manual – in ten steps - for development agencies, in order to make it easier to plan and start alcohol and drug interventions by using a systematic approach

Check list for development agencies

Assessment of Alcohol and Drug Situation

A check list to assist NGOs in assessing the scope and character of alcohol and drug problems in a given situation: What is the problem, how big is it and who are affected?

Web site on alcohol, drugs and development

The web site you are visiting now shall serve as a gateway to alcohol and drug as a development issue; by presenting relevant material and suggesting links to other resources.

Basic reading for development workers

ADD Curriculum

A list of recommended reading for development organizations which plan to train their staff or individual resource persons. In the list you will find alternatives for those who have only half an hour to spare for the topic, as well as more comprehensive material for those who intend to dive deeper into the issue.

Electronic newssletter on alcohol, drugs and development

ADD Bulletin

An electronic news bulletin giving regular updates on alcohol and drugs as a development issue.

Fact sheets

FORUT will produce a series of fact sheets on more specific aspects of alcohol and drug problems in developing socities and on selected research material relevant to the issue.